Monday, June 4, 2012

GeoWoodstock/Louisville- Part 2

Saturday was the day I had been waiting on for months, the mega-event GeoWoodstock X.  We made the drive from our hotel in Jeffersonville up to Sellersburg, IN, the actual event site.  How was it?  In a word, hot.  Or, more accurately, extremely hot.  We visited the vendor booths and ate lunch, then decided to skip the events because we were so hot we couldn't really enjoy orselves.

We then drove to Greenville, IN, which is where justbubbin lived until she was six.  We visited the homes she had lived in and then decided to start grabbing a few caches as we worked our way back to Jeffersonville.  Most of the finds were park and grabs, but I did find a regular-size cache with Galena's Lamb, which required a short walk down a narrow trail and then an 80-100 foot plunge into the woods to the cache.  It was a fairly easy find, but the thorns did a number on me as I was wearing shorts instead of pants.  This cache completed the requirements to find and log GEO.JOE (RVG Challenge), a cache I hope to grab in the near future.

As we approached Jeffersonville, we were wanting a bite to eat so we crossed into Louisville to find a White Castle.  Luckily, there was no Harold & Kumar moment for us.  We then went to Mazzoli Bioswale, an interesting earthcache centered around scrubbing pollution out of rainwater before it enters the sewer system.  We then visited a series of virtual caches, including Bikes, Blades & Boards, Edison House, and The Lady, which took us back to Indiana.  We hunted a few more caches before retreating to our hotel to cool down for a while.

After the heat broke, we headed out to the Fallos of the Ohio area.  Our first stop was a cache at Kentuckiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,  We then headed into the park, where we found five of the earthcaches there, including FOSSIL IDENTIFICATION at the FALLS OF THE OHIO.   There were some more earthcaches in the park, but we were running out of daylight at this point.

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